Browns and Beiges

There are 9 products.
Showing 1 - 9 of 9 items

In this Browns and Beiges collection, you will find short and long haired faux fur throws, together with plain, patterned, luxury and economically priced designs. Whilst shades of grey still remain the most popular colours for fur throws, they are closely followed by the natural tones of browns, beiges and creams, and so we have grouped some of ...

In this Browns and Beiges collection, you will find short and long haired faux fur throws, together with plain, patterned, luxury and economically priced designs. Whilst shades of grey still remain the most popular colours for fur throws, they are closely followed by the natural tones of browns, beiges and creams, and so we have grouped some of our designs together in this section so that you don;t need to have to search through all of our designs; although we would love for you to stay a while and look at every design we offer, you never know you might see something that you weren't expecting, that you just won't be able to resist!


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